Knowledge is the most essential part in one’s life and every person has right to gain knowledge. University or college is the place where the students get chance of learning and leading their way of life successfully. The education provided in universities is mainly significant for every student for better growth and prosperous future. Many people say that universities focus only on preparing the graduates for better jobs; others say that universities studies can benefit widely the individual and the society in which they live. Many people have different views about the various studies and subjects offered in colleges and universities. University education focus to prepare students for three reasons; achieving successful career path, gaining knowledge and self-improvement.
according to their own will. It provides
students useful skills and way of living for having a good job in future. Students get admission in various departments in Universities, they are much engaged in studying activities in they learn about their field of interests. Students are able to excel their knowledge by studying and researching through various sources in university such as library, developments programs, research projects, theoretical case studies etc. In spite of this, professors and lecturers of respective departments play a lead role in engaging students in such activities which help them to present the best outcome of the tasks assigned by using their abilities.
Secondly, University education not only help the students to achieve better jobs in market but also develop interpersonal skills in them. Moreover, Students are welcome to explore their talents in any field of interests by participating in various social activities such as sports, exhibitions, festivals, semester projects, educational trainings and seminars etc. Department faculty members also cooperate students and societies by bringing professional people in the Universities and allow them to share the experiences of life. Lecturers and professors set the defined criteria on examination on the basis of which students are awarded grades according to their performance. The students with the higher grades are then awarded with medals and certificates. These tributes on merit definitely improves character building and professional growth. In addition to that, University play vital role in preparing students who lacks confidence during the initial periods at university. College students get variety of circumstances to socialize, make new groups, communicate interests, encounter people of different culture and adopt best way of standard living. Moreover, these activities encourages students and they can easily boost their careers.
On the other hand, University or college education has some disadvantage that it is quite expensive. Mostly private sector universities have expensive 4 year bachelors program which is not affordable for parents to continue education for their children. Despite the fact university education is expensive, but its benefits are enormous and immeasurable. Students after graduating from different departments are offered with competitive salary and benefits. Most importantly, they enhance skills in practical life such as problem solving, decision making. Parents should make all means to study their children.
According to the research conducted by United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, it was concluded that student who obtained a 4 year bachelor degree makes more money than a person who had never obtained a university degree. Therefore, it is necessary for every individual to study at university level to cope up tough challenges of life and make future bright.
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