Window Xp tips and tricks For Pc
In today’s modern world almost every one used computer and every one have wish to make there computer windows and install software’s to do work fast. But some time due to extra load or usage our PC window get busy and take too much time to resolve the issue. For resolving these types of issues and problems every one want to seek the computer tips and tricks. If you are serious then you can easily read and seek simple computer tips and tricks from internet or from experts.
Here in this article we submit some windows XP tips and tricks, fast shutdown windows XP tricks, hide all network shared folders and files, fast check files and folder properties. Through these windows XP tips and tricksyou can make your windows Xp fast reliable and also protect your personal data from illegal usage or shearing.
Windows XP tips and tricks
There are three easy windows xp tips and tricks for you by applying thesetips and tricks on your window XP you can make your computer window fast and can hide network shared folders as well as fast check files and folders properties without using mouse with one short keys.
Fast shutdown windows XP
When you shutdown you PC or computer lots of programs are still in “Running process” and they are not closed properly. Due to which your computer take too much time to shutdown but you can shutdown your computer fast with this simple tip.
1. First of all open “Note pad“.
2. Now write “Shutdown” in Note pad and save file as “shutdown.reg“.
3. Now go on that location where you save your “Shutdown.reg” file.
4. Double click on file and “Import” it to windows directory. Your computer will shutdown faster.
Hide network shared folders
If you want to shared folders with your desired network users and hide from other users then fallow this simple tip.
1. To hide files and folders from network use just “$” sign at the end of that file name to which you hide from network users. Now only those people can access your network files and folders that are allowed.
Fast check files and folder properties
If you have trouble to check files and folder properties with mouse and want check files and folder properties faster then use this method.
1. To check windows file and folder properties fast without using mouse with keyboard short keys then first of all select that file and folder.
2. Now Press “Alt+enter” keys from keyboard at same time. By pressing these keyboard keys at once window shows selected folder and file properties.
Windows XP tips and tricks in Urdu
Window Xp tips and tricks For Pc
Reviewed by Unknown