

Acne is the common one dermatologic condition. Red pimples on the skin are the characterized condition for acne skin. Acne especially on the face, caused by inflamed or infected sebaceous glands common mainly among adolescents. Acne is of two types, one is called “non-inflammatory acne”, typify by the presence of whiteheads and blackheads. The other type of acne is called “inflammatory acne” characterized by presence of pimples.
Acne starts when greasy secretions from the skin’s sebaceous glands which are the oil glands, plug the minute openings for hair follicles. In case of large openings, the clogs turn into blackheads which are small, flat spots with dark centers. If the openings remain small, the clogs get the form of whiteheads that appears as small, flesh-colored bumps. Both types of plugged pores can result into swollen, tender pimples or deeper lumps. Lumps or nodules are the firm swellings below the skin’s surface that become tender, inflamed, and sometimes infected. These conditions are associated with severe cases of acne.
Pimples are the persistent, recurrent red spots or swelling on the skin. The swelling may become reddened and fill with pus. They usually appear on the face, shoulders, chest, neck or upper portion of the back, while blackheads are the dark spots with open pores at the center. Whiteheads are the tiny white bumps under the skin that have no clear opening. Lumps are the red swellings also known as papules and are visibly filled with pus. Nodules are the inflamed skin often tender and fluid-filled and they may get large to an inch across.
However all types of acne like pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and cysts grow when pores present in our skin become clogged. The oil in our skin (sebum) is the major culprit. When the hormones surge our bodies make more sebum. This is why more teens get acne. Since hormones change in the years leading up to menopause so many women get acne in their 40s and 50s. The factors of acne can be classified as physical, emotional or environmental. Acne can be developed due to the use of oil based cosmetics, anxiety and stress, humidity, hormonal changes and sometimes with the use of certain medications like lithium, quinine and steroids.
Here are some tips for the prevention of acne that will help you in reducing acne flare-ups.
• You can use water based cosmetics to hide blemishes with flesh-tinted cover-ups or even foundation. There are many quality products available in the market which you can use while attending a party or function. Use oil free hair and skin care products.
• Facials, steaming and “deep-cleaning” pores are useful treatments in reducing temptation and to unclog the pores. After cleansing avoid scrubbing your skin. Facials can be used both alone and in addition to medical treatment, in particular for people with “whiteheads” or “blackheads.”
• You can apply pore strips on your nose, forehead, chin, etc., to “pull out” oil from your pores. These strips are available under verity of brand names and are economical, safe and work reasonably.
• The popular home remedy is to place toothpaste on zits. However there is no medical basis for this remedy.
• Put on a spot cream containing sulfur to the affected areas at night.
• Always use a soft skin moisturizer and water-based makeup on your skin.
In this article I have mentioned the acne, types and causes of acne development. Some acne prevention measurements have been given that will help you lower down the acne expansion. If your acne is not controllable adequately, you should consult dermatologist or a primary-care physician. Use these prevention to stay away from acne problem.
BEAUTY TIPS FOR ACNE AND PIMPLES Reviewed by Unknown on 02:36 Rating: 5
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